This is the method we use to fit the Fiat headlamp beam deflectors on Deep Red.
1. Nearside deflector with one metal top bracket and two plastic lower brackets. Both lower brackets have to be fixed into their respective slots first. Fitting them can be a bit tricky as the plastic bracket has a small tooth that has to engage with the slot in the deflector. It is job for someone with strong fingers or, failing that, tease the bracket ears apart gently with a flat screwdriver as the bracket is slipped over the edge of the deflector.
2. We work on nearside headlamp first.
3. removing the two fixing screws securing headlamp upper trim moulding
4. There is a catch underneath the other end of moulding that has to be released, we grip firmly and wriggle moulding upwards to release it.
5. Once catch is released, stepped end of moulding can be unhooked from under bodywork pillar.
6. Nothing holding moulding in place now.
7. Parts of catch can be clearly seen.
8. Metal bracket hooks over headlamp moulding in position shown
9. With deflector ready with two lower brackets in place it can now be hooked over top bracket.
10. Lower brackets will have to be eased under headlamp shell.
11. We find it helps to remove the single fixing screw holding headlamp lower trim moulding.
12. Raised pips on deflector moulding can stick against headlamp lense making it difficult to slide deflector into place - lifting deflector slightly at pip positions in turn will make things easier.
13. Lower centre bracket slipped fully into place.
14. Lower corner bracket also pushed home. Fixing screw for lower trim moulding can now be put back.
15. Before fitting upper trim moulding back into place, it is a good opportunity to give the windscreen gutter drain hole a clean out - it is easily blocked with leaves.
16. Upper trim moulding refitted under pillar, pressed downwards to engage catch, then fixing screws refitted.
17. Deflector fitted.
18. To remove deflector, we find it easier to release the top metal bracket first from headlamp moulding whilst applying pressure to deflector to release the tension on the bracket
19. Once top bracket released, the lower two brackets can be carefully teased out.
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